Thursday, March 1, 2012


Why is it important to define and debate our understanding of intelligence and its origins and how does it relate to you?

It is important to be able to define our understanding of intelligence because as human beings we are constantly learning about something new each day. Intelligence is the capacity that someone has for learning, reasoning, understanding, and other forms of mental activity. I believe that if someone doesn't understand the meaning of intelligence they are not using their brain to the full capacity. Debating on intelligence opens up our eyes and shows us how many topics are involved in intelligence making us aware of what we need to understand and learn. There are many forms of intelligence and it depends on the type of person that you are. My definition of intelligence is being able to build on your weaknesses and strengthen your strengths and learn above and beyond both. Intelligence is how far your brain can go and how much information it can attain and the connections that are made in between them.

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