Monday, May 28, 2012

Genome Entry 6 : Sex

The genetic diseases Prader-Willi syndrome and Angelman's syndrome are both cause by the same lack of chromosome 15. It has been shown that whether a child inherits either syndrome it depends on the parent from whom the mutation was inherited. In this situation Prader-Willi is from the father and Angelman's from the mother. It relates to how the placenta is controlled by paternal genes and how it uses the mother's body and resources. In genetic cloning like Dolly, it seems to erase all genetic imprints so that the organism will survive. Imprinting has a effect on the brain as well. The mother's genes controls the development of the cerebral cortex while the father controls the development of the hypothalamus. With this we inherit the mother's way of thinking and the father's innate moods. Gender roles in behavior have been controlled in the genome rather than by the environment.

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