Sunday, June 3, 2012


What was your favorite topic this semester? Why?
This semester I really enjoyed the basis of chromosomal inheritance. This chapter depicts who were are and what we look like and hwo we behave. It always amuzed me.
What was your least favorite?
Cell Communication was my least favorite. I did not understand very well and I was confused about signal transduction.
What would you change about this class if you could?
 I do wish we had more visual and lectures cause i think that i enjoy those more than reading and taking notes.
What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment in biology this year?
This is my first AP class ever. it was quite the experience. My biggest accomplishment would be to have stayed in the class and kept stiving to do better and work hard. Even though I was not the A student in the class i learned a lot and it is something that will stay with me for the rest of my life.


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